这些要求适用于2023-2024学年入学的学生. 在2023年秋季之前入学的学生应参阅 Archives 浏览他们的公告年度的要求.

Summary of Requirements

文学学士学位可以授予音频和现场娱乐(ALE)专业的学生,通过教师的推荐,并在满意地完成至少124个学期的学分,累计平均绩点为2分.0 or higher overall and in the major.

Students must meet:

  1. University requirements
    • 所有学生必须完成通识教育(GenEd) curriculum.
    • 所有学生必须在亿德体育的专业中至少选修两门写作强化课程. Whenever possible, 建议学生从直接满足特定ALE要求的课程中选择这些WI课程,以简化完成课程的道路.
  2. 卢克莱因媒体与传播学院 requirements, including KLN 1001 and KLN 1002.
  3. 专业最少47学分/专业最多68学分(MSP的总和), MUST, HRM, LGLS, SGM, and STHM).
  4. 每门满足专业要求的课程都必须以C-或更高的成绩通过.
  5. 所有先决条件必须满足,除非书面豁免.
  6. 音频与现场娱乐专业的转学学分不得超过20个.
  7. Total number of credits taken in internship, practicum, independent study, 独立项目课程总学分不得超过12学分.


Foundation Courses 1
MSP 1701Introduction to Media Production3
MUST 1701Music Theory for Non-Music Majors2
MSP 2663The Recording Industry and Music Business3
Music and Media History
Select a minimum of one of the following:3
MSP 3297
History of Electronic Media (WI)
MUST 2113
History of Pop
Audio Production
Select a minimum of one of the following:3-4
MSP 2751
Audio for Media
MUST 4713
Sound Recording
Entertainment Industries Fundamentals
Select a minimum of one of the following:3
MSP 1655
Introduction to Media Business
STHM 1113
Professional Development Requirements
MSP 4039Senior Seminar 23
选择以下体验式学习选项之一: 33-4
MSP 4687
Recording Industry Practicum
MSP 4785
Professional Focus Courses
从以下课程中选择至少24个学分, 包括不超过两门1000或2000级别的课程. 324
In Audio and Live Entertainment
ALE 3565
Music Publishing
ALE 4565
Artist Management
ALE 4571
ALE 4755
Advanced Live Sound
In Media Studies and Production
MSP 2741
MSP 3663
Marketing Music and Media
MSP 3705
Sound for Visual Media
MSP 3751
Studio Music Recording Techniques
MSP 3755
Live Sound Production
MSP 3771
Podcast and Radio Production
MSP 4614
Creating a Media Business
MSP 4663
Art and Business of Recording
MSP 4687
Recording Industry Practicum
MSP 4696
Communication in Media Organizations
MSP 4741
Emergent Media Production
MSP 4751
Audio Mixing
MSP 4753
Audio Mastering
STHM 2401
STHM 3424
Business of Social Events and Weddings
STHM 3425
Event and Entertainment Operations
STHM 3428
Event and Entertainment Revenues
STHM 3429
Entertainment Management
STHM 4401
Digital Portfolio Creation
STHM 4415
The Event Experience
THM 3396
Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality (WI)
THM 4398
Note: STHM 2401, STHM 3425, STHM 3428, and STHM 4415 联合获得澳门工商管理学院的活动和娱乐管理证书,该证书适用于ALE学生. 将选修课限制为30学分将提供足够的空间来完成该证书,而不计算任何课程的多个要求.
Note also: STHM 2401, STHM 3424, STHM 3425, STHM 3428, STHM 3429, and STHM 4415 为ALE学生提供的STHM活动和娱乐管理辅修课程. 将选修课限制在24学分将提供足够的空间来完成该辅修课程,而不需要计算任何课程的多个要求.
In the Boyer College of Music and Dance
MUST 1705
Music Theory for Non-Music Majors II
MUST 4713
Sound Recording
MUST 4714
Sound Editing
MUST 4725
Advanced Audio Production
MUST 4762
Note: MUST 4713, MUST 4714, MUST 4725, and MUST 4762 合并获得Boyer的音乐技术证书,该证书适用于ALE学生. 将选修课限制为30学分将提供足够的空间来完成该证书,而不计算任何课程的多个要求.
另请注意:博耶音乐舞蹈学院欢迎ALE学生参加博耶的非专业, non-auditioned ensembles: OWLchestra, 亿德体育夜猫子校园社区乐队(TUNO), Temple University Swinging Owls 6 & 还有亿德体育猫头鹰合唱团.
In the Fox School of Business
BA 2196
Business Communications
HRM 1101
Leadership and Organizational Management
LGLS 3509
Entertainment Law
SGM 3501
Entrepreneurial and Innovative Thinking
SGM 3503
Total Credit Hours47-49

基础课程必须在亿德体育的前45个学分内完成. 转入天普学院的学生必须在天普学院完成至少一门音频和现场娱乐基础课程, 除非获系主任书面豁免.


Taken during final 30 credits.





所有音频和现场娱乐专业的学术经验以专业发展要求为高潮, which include MSP 4039 Senior Seminar (3 s.h.) 体验式学习选项之一(3-4学分). Together, 这些课程为学生提供实地实践培训,同时让他们有机会探索自己潜在的职业未来.

Experiential Learning Option: MSP 4785 Internship

实习机会在当地存在(在大费城地区几乎每一个面向媒体的组织), nationally (in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and other U.S. media markets), and internationally (in London, Dublin, Paris, Barcelona, Hong Kong, 通过卢·克莱因媒体与传播学院的全球机会项目和亿德体育海外教育办公室(Temple’s Education Abroad Office). 希望参加第二次实习作为选修课的学生可以参加 MSP 4786 for 1 to 3 credit hours. NOTE: To be eligible for an internship, 学生必须在注册期间获得适当的实习安排(可以提供帮助)。, have Junior or Senior standing, a minimum GPA of 3.00, 完成所有ALE基础课程,最低成绩为C-, 并由MSP实习协调员通过提交实习验证表正式批准, and once determined eligible, the Site Verification Form.